Check dis shit out

More in ’24: Looking Back & Moving Forward
Hi folks. I can’t believe it’s already three weeks since the new year. I hope yours is starting out on a positive note. I want to thank everyone who stopped by throughout 2023. Especially those who took the time to comment, like, or share my work online and spread the spirit of Kwanzaa.

Kinara’s Children Mini Posters
These just came in… and they’re looking sweeeeet! 8″ x 10″, full color, high quality, printed mini posters of all 7 Kinara’s Children characters. Yeah, they may look familiar but this is the first time they’ve been available at this size. Plus we now have the two characters, Ujima and Ujamaa, that I’ve been updating this year….

Kinara’s Children: Nia and Kuji at the Bus Stop
Kujichagulia means Self Determination. Kuji is determined to fight the power whenever power needs to be fought. Always ready to pass the torch to the next generation. More rough pages from the upcoming book The World According to Nia. The first image will work as a two page spread with copy on…

2020 Goals: Clothing and Texturing
Clothing and Texturing Another goal for the year is to create African themed clothing for all seven Kinara’s Children characters. In order to make new clothing, I use a combination of modeling new meshes (3D shapes) or downloading clothing meshes from various sources. Once sized and fitted to the figures, the meshes can be…

The Artists Challenge Pt. 2
So i had promised to post my finished images from the Artists Challenge I created for myself in the spring. Well it’s taken a while to get these up but here they are. To refresh your memory if you hadn’t seen my original post, I created seven images in seven days. Considering my output has…

Kwanzaa 2021, year in review
What’s next? I can tell you stories. In fact I think I WILL be telling you stories: urban fables and modern mythology as I bring the Children to life. Expect to see more photo-realistic images and a more focused approach. The Children are hitting their stride and about to up their game. Stay tuned.