Check dis shit out

Habari Gani? (What’s the News?)
It’s Kwanzaa Time It’s my favorite time of the year. Each day we ask the question “Habari Gani?” meaning “what’s the news?” and respond with the name of the principle of the Nguzo Saba that’s for that day. I’ll be adding graphics for all seven principles throughout the week as I create them. So stay…

Work in Progress: Kinara’s Children Picture Book
The work on my first book featuring Kinara’s Children continues apace. I’m fleshing out the neighborhood and creating extras to use in the stories. More to come

Mother’s Day Love: Umoja, Kuumba and Nia
In this year’s Mother’s Day entry, Umoja, one of my favorite moms, enjoys a warm embrace from her hubby Kuumba while little Nia looks on. Mother’s Day is all about the relationship of a mom and her kids but fathers know and appreciate all that mom does for him and the family. No truer words have…

Kinara’s Children Kwanzaa Coloring Book
OK! This is a thing. The Kinara’s Children Kwanzaa Coloring Book is now available on Amazon. I’m really excited to make this available and I learned a lot about the process over these many months. I wanted it to be fun and enjoyable. I hope you all will get a kick out of it! Learn…

Kinara’s Fashion: Imani’s Leopard Print
My last illo featured Ujima and Imani dressed up Egyptian style. Unfortunately Imani’s lovely outfit was overshadowed by Ujima and his pharonic antics. So I designed a brand new gown just so Imani can strut her stuff. I hope you like it. Not done yet. I think there’s one more outfit in Imani’s closet waiting for the…
Kuumba means Creativity
From my upcoming series Kinara’s Children. Bringing the Nguzo Saba to life!