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The Funky Fourth Dimension: Kinara’s Children in Motion.
I didn’t think 2022 would be the year I put the Children in motion, it’s just turned out that way so far. Combining images and text with music just make me feel good inside. I hope they make you feel good as well. Kinara’s Children has a YouTube channel now! I’ve been dropping stuff in…

It’s All About Kuji
It’s been all about Kuji so far this year. Starting with Kuji’s Bookshelf and moving on from there. So here’s a four image master post, short on words but long on Kujiness. Enjoy. Are you hip to the bookphone challenge? Neither was I but Kuji wanted to play, so… Still exploring Kuji’s bookshelf with…

ASHE: We Speak the Names of Our Ancestors
During our Kwanzaa celebration we speak the names of our ancestors and say Ashe (ah-SHAY). This last year has been a difficult time for all of us and we’ve lost quite a few in our community. this piece is my way to recognize them. 🙏 🙏 🙏 I started working on this piece earlier this…
Imani Means Faith
Imani is a fortune teller. So when she tells you something, you’d best believe. The quote is from Oprah Winfrey. At least that’s what it said on the internet… so it must be true, right? Another entry into my upcoming series. Look into the crystal ball. All will soon be revealed!
Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes
Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes is a series of designs and illustrations based on the 7 principles of the Nguzo Saba, the underlying basis of the Kwanzaa holiday. Each principle is represented by a character who embodies these principles, Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Kuumba, Nia, and Imani. Aimed at a young audience, it lies somewhere between picture books and…

Kuji’s Bookshelf
College is still a ways off for Kuji, but she’s already thinking of what books she can take with her from her vast collection. She figures she can fit about 10 books into her cramped dorm room. Can you help a sista out? What essential volumes should a young black activist have on her bookshelf? Please comment or…