Check dis shit out

Kinara’s Children, Group Shot
This image was originally created as a Facebook banner. I modified it slightly to work as a 5 x 7 print. You can order it here or find them at the Gift Shop with other gifts for friends and family. [wp_cart_button name=”Kinara’s Children Banner” price=”9.95″ thumbnail=”http://www.kinaraschildren.com/wp-content/uploads/Kinaras-Children-banner-5×7-web-650×464.jpg” description=”5 x 7 matted print. Fits a standard 8…

Stay Safe–Stay Strong
Hi Folks. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe, and those cooped up at home are not going stir crazy just yet. The Children feel your pain and this is what passes for a house party right about now. Kuumba and Nia are providing the music and Ujamaa has drinks (for a limited…

The Prince of Egypt? He Wish!
Imani is amused: “Ujima got a bit carried away in his pharaoh’s costume. ‘Come on to the party he said. It’ll be fun.’ Now he’s trying to lord it over folks like some third rate King Tut.”
Ujima is not amused: “Just to be clear, I’m not trying to be King Tut. I’m Ramses II, the Great. He was a great builder who created more monuments than any pharaoh in history, and a personal hero of mine”
A bit of holiday fun with Ujima as Ramses II and Imani as Nefertiti.

Work in Progress: Kinara’s Children Picture Book
The work on my first book featuring Kinara’s Children continues apace. I’m fleshing out the neighborhood and creating extras to use in the stories. More to come
Imani Means Faith
Imani is a fortune teller. So when she tells you something, you’d best believe. The quote is from Oprah Winfrey. At least that’s what it said on the internet… so it must be true, right? Another entry into my upcoming series. Look into the crystal ball. All will soon be revealed!

A Living Wage
Here’s a follow up to my last strip. Meet the summertime crew (just in time for “Back to school”, LOL). I won’t go on and on, but one thing you’ll notice is Ujamaa and the team refer to “us,” “our,” and “we.” This is an employee owned operation and everyone shares in the profit. Hmnn,…