Check dis shit out

Hard at Work: Kuumba’s Workshop
“Don’t Bother Daddy. He’s Working,” says Umoja. But Nia can’t resist taking a peek. His workshop is full of strange and interesting things. There’s an old guitar, hand carved and painted wooden toys, strange drawing utensils, a colorful cube, and even a couple of goats. While it may look as if Kuumba’s taking a…

Trick! or Treat?
Kuji’s ready to Party! Black Panther Party: 50 years 1966–2016 Background posters by Emory Douglas This image is a play off the iconic photo of Huey Newton from back in their heyday. I’ve had this idea in my head for quite some time and had slowly collected props and such to use in it. Somehow it…
Kuji, the Activist
Continuing with Kinara’s Children. Kwanzaa day 2 is Kujichagulia.

Kwanzaa 2021, year in review
What’s next? I can tell you stories. In fact I think I WILL be telling you stories: urban fables and modern mythology as I bring the Children to life. Expect to see more photo-realistic images and a more focused approach. The Children are hitting their stride and about to up their game. Stay tuned.

Work in Progress: Kinara’s Children Picture Book
The work on my first book featuring Kinara’s Children continues apace. I’m fleshing out the neighborhood and creating extras to use in the stories. More to come

It’s All About Kuji
It’s been all about Kuji so far this year. Starting with Kuji’s Bookshelf and moving on from there. So here’s a four image master post, short on words but long on Kujiness. Enjoy. Are you hip to the bookphone challenge? Neither was I but Kuji wanted to play, so… Still exploring Kuji’s bookshelf with…