Check dis shit out

Ujima Evolution
Not just new clothes, he’s been reworked from top to bottom, some things visible and some not. This is the working class hero I originally envisioned. I have seven heroes in the Kinara’s Children universe and Ujima is the one that gave me the most trouble. Now that I’m happy with his look I can…

Ujamaa, the Entrepreneur.
Kwanzaa day 4. Ujamaa represents Cooperative Economics.

Fall Update: Ujamaa Triptych
Hi folks. I haven’t posted in a very long time. I think the social media grind plus too many projects have been wearing me down a bit. Or maybe it’s a delayed reaction to the pandemic. In any case I know my public output has been slim, but not for a lack of working. For…

2020: Looking Back, Looking Forward
2020 was a doozy, not sorry to see it end. With all the challenges of politics and the pandemic, it was difficult to stay focused on the artwork. I won’t go into my own personal hurdles because we all went through them. I will say that despite some setbacks I was able to get some…

The Children are Growing: What’s New for 2017
I’ve been making plans for the upcoming year. Top of my agenda is to finish my first Kinara’s Children picture book, tentatively titled The World According to Nia. The above images are rough drafts from the book in production as I work out the layout, design and workflow going forward. It’s been just over…

Faces of Imani
Working on expressions in this image. These are basically sketches to use as a jump off for later images or stories. Went a bit farther than expected but experimenting with color and layout is also part of the process.