Check dis shit out

The Artists Challenge Pt. 2
So i had promised to post my finished images from the Artists Challenge I created for myself in the spring. Well it’s taken a while to get these up but here they are. To refresh your memory if you hadn’t seen my original post, I created seven images in seven days. Considering my output has…

Kuji Loves Books . . .
. . . In case you hadn’t noticed. This is from an upcoming series/cast of characters due to be finished up in December. I’ll be doing a lot more toon characters in the near future, hope you like that sort of thing.

Nia, the Baby
Kwanzaa day 5. Nia represents Purpose.
Imani Means Faith
Imani is a fortune teller. So when she tells you something, you’d best believe. The quote is from Oprah Winfrey. At least that’s what it said on the internet… so it must be true, right? Another entry into my upcoming series. Look into the crystal ball. All will soon be revealed!

Wakanda Fashion: Nia’s Black Panther Dreams
I’ve been a Black Panther fan for a very long time, dating back to the 70’s. Even though I was excited to learn of the recent, most excellent film just released I figured I wouldn’t be able to make any fan art because I’ve been totally focused on my ongoing project, Kinara’s Children.
Well never say never, because it turns out that little Nia is a fan too. So I thought I’d whip up this little costume using Blender (natch), and hook Nia up with an early Halloween outfit.

Kinara’s Children Activity Pack
Kinara’s Children Activity Pack. The Activity Pack combined the previous two card packs into a single set, replacing the previous Character Card and Activity Card sets. This is a pack of nine cards, one for each of the seven characters plus bio and “Score Card”. Each card includes a character’s bio, a description of the…