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Kinara’s Fashion: Imani’s Leopard Print
My last illo featured Ujima and Imani dressed up Egyptian style. Unfortunately Imani’s lovely outfit was overshadowed by Ujima and his pharonic antics. So I designed a brand new gown just so Imani can strut her stuff. I hope you like it. Not done yet. I think there’s one more outfit in Imani’s closet waiting for the…
Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes
Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes is a series of designs and illustrations based on the 7 principles of the Nguzo Saba, the underlying basis of the Kwanzaa holiday. Each principle is represented by a character who embodies these principles, Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Kuumba, Nia, and Imani. Aimed at a young audience, it lies somewhere between picture books and…

Faces of Ujima: A Study
Ujima’s one of my Kinara’s Children characters that doesn’t get enough attention. My last couple of posts have featured him. In this one he gets the expressions treatment. So far I’ve done Nia, Imani, Umoja and Kuumba and if you’ve paid attention you may notice that each set has been done a bit differently. With…

Work in Progress: Kinara’s Children Picture Book
The work on my first book featuring Kinara’s Children continues apace. I’m fleshing out the neighborhood and creating extras to use in the stories. More to come

Ujamaa, the Entrepreneur.
Kwanzaa day 4. Ujamaa represents Cooperative Economics.

Ujamaa’s Hero: Mansa Musa, the Wealthiest Person in History
When we suggested Ujamaa make himself up as an African Hero for Halloween we should have known he’d go all out. So it’s no surprise that Ujamaa, the Entrepreneur, decided to dress up this year as Mansa Musa, the 14th Century West African ruler who is said to be the richest man of all…