January 2021: Works in Progress
We’re already more than a week into February but I’m just now posting some of my latest work for January 2021. I don’t always have finished pieces to show but I do keep busy every day. So here’s your update and a bit of news about what’s going on.

Why is brother Ujima showing off his handles in the middle of the street?
Any volunteers to suggest he “take it to the playground”?. . .
. . . I didn’t think so.
OK, so I was playing with color on this one. Told myself to try a photorealistic 3D render but ended up with some kind of neon glowing, comic colored art piece. I like it, but not totally sure I could pull this off again. Had fun though.
Prints are available for this one: https://fineartamerica.com/…/crossover-darryl-crosby.html
Air(brush) Guitar

Still working on the coloring book. I need one more image for Kuumba and one for Imani. I’ve done so may images of Kuumba showing his musical talents that I need to showcase his artistic side. I figured Kuumba playing air(brush) guitar might fit the bill. Can’t decide which of these poses I want to turn into nifty line art for the book. I’m leaning towards the one on the bottom left. We’ll see.
Buttoned Up

I call these images “button faces” ’cause they’re cute as a button and would probably fit on a button you’d pin to your lapel (assuming you have lapels). The versions I’ve been using up till now had their face and head fully cropped inside the circles because I couldn’t figure out how to crop them on the bottom but let them poke out on the top. I was able to figure out technique so they all must be changed. I’m also making their names bigger (looks like I missed a couple). They need to be cleaned up and made high res for use on T-shirts and other merch.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I’d been having issues getting notifications when someone commented on a post. I think the latest upgrade to my site has fixed that issue, plus I’m testing a plugin that allows users to subscribe to post comments as well. I’m looking forward to having more dialog with visitors so please comment away
OK, that’ll do it for now. See ya soon!
Awesome thank you
Thanks for stopping by! Peace.