Check dis shit out

Kinara’s Children, Group Shot
This image was originally created as a Facebook banner. I modified it slightly to work as a 5 x 7 print. You can order it here or find them at the Gift Shop with other gifts for friends and family. [wp_cart_button name=”Kinara’s Children Banner” price=”9.95″ thumbnail=”http://www.kinaraschildren.com/wp-content/uploads/Kinaras-Children-banner-5×7-web-650×464.jpg” description=”5 x 7 matted print. Fits a standard 8…

2020: Looking Back, Looking Forward
2020 was a doozy, not sorry to see it end. With all the challenges of politics and the pandemic, it was difficult to stay focused on the artwork. I won’t go into my own personal hurdles because we all went through them. I will say that despite some setbacks I was able to get some…

… If You Want to Go Far, Go Together
If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.–African proverb While putting together a new art piece I realized that I didn’t have many group shots of Kinara’s Children. Even the one I’ve been using is a mashup of single pics collaged together. At the end…

Hard at Work: Kuumba’s Workshop
“Don’t Bother Daddy. He’s Working,” says Umoja. But Nia can’t resist taking a peek. His workshop is full of strange and interesting things. There’s an old guitar, hand carved and painted wooden toys, strange drawing utensils, a colorful cube, and even a couple of goats. While it may look as if Kuumba’s taking a…

Comic Strip Show: Ujamaa’s Job Interviews
Here’s your strip show, the first of many, as I hone my skills and create a workflow for next year’s full children’s/comic book.

The Artists Challenge Pt. 2
So i had promised to post my finished images from the Artists Challenge I created for myself in the spring. Well it’s taken a while to get these up but here they are. To refresh your memory if you hadn’t seen my original post, I created seven images in seven days. Considering my output has…