Check dis shit out

Kwanzaa 2021, year in review
What’s next? I can tell you stories. In fact I think I WILL be telling you stories: urban fables and modern mythology as I bring the Children to life. Expect to see more photo-realistic images and a more focused approach. The Children are hitting their stride and about to up their game. Stay tuned.

It’s All About Kuji
It’s been all about Kuji so far this year. Starting with Kuji’s Bookshelf and moving on from there. So here’s a four image master post, short on words but long on Kujiness. Enjoy. Are you hip to the bookphone challenge? Neither was I but Kuji wanted to play, so… Still exploring Kuji’s bookshelf with…

Starting a Movement: Kwanzaa 2022
Kwanzaa ’22 is upon us and it’s time to celebrate. This year’s theme is movement and is all about fun and putting our cares away. The Children find a way to celebrate no matter where they are or whatever they happen to be doing and we were fortunate to catch them in the act. So…

Stay Safe–Stay Strong
Hi Folks. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe, and those cooped up at home are not going stir crazy just yet. The Children feel your pain and this is what passes for a house party right about now. Kuumba and Nia are providing the music and Ujamaa has drinks (for a limited…

Nia’s Black Panther Dreams, Part II
In which baby Nia dons her homemade Black Panther costume and sets out to protect her neighborhood and the city at large. If you’re a bad guy, school yard bully, or even a litterbug, you’d better watch out. Nia’s coming for you. This is a continuation of the Black Panther inspired images I posted earlier. I chose…

Fall Update: Ujamaa Triptych
Hi folks. I haven’t posted in a very long time. I think the social media grind plus too many projects have been wearing me down a bit. Or maybe it’s a delayed reaction to the pandemic. In any case I know my public output has been slim, but not for a lack of working. For…