Check dis shit out

Faces of Kuumba: A Study
Kuumba doesn’t get enough attention. I don’t know why? He’s a man after my own heart; musical, artistic, poetic. Creative in every way. Mostly he’s seen with the family, his wife Umoja and Nia, their daughter. That’s cool but he’s going to get more attention in the future. These images are a study of expressions….

Taking it To the Streets
There’s something happening out here in the community. Kinara’s Children had to be part of it. This is a peaceful demonstration. Keep an eye out for that guy on the right, though. He has a hard time getting with the program. You can order a matted print here or find it at the Gift Shop…

Kuumba’s Family
Kuumba, Umoja and baby Nia take a stroll through their neighborhood. Who will they meet? Stay tuned to find out! You can order a matted print here or find it at the Gift Shop with other gifts for friends and family. Available with or without text. Text version[wp_cart_button name=”Kuumba’s Family Text” price=”9.95″ thumbnail=”http://www.kinaraschildren.com/wp-content/uploads/Kuumba-and-fam-Final-web-499×700.jpg” description=”5 x…

Trick! or Treat?
Kuji’s ready to Party! Black Panther Party: 50 years 1966–2016 Background posters by Emory Douglas This image is a play off the iconic photo of Huey Newton from back in their heyday. I’ve had this idea in my head for quite some time and had slowly collected props and such to use in it. Somehow it…

It’s All About Kuji
It’s been all about Kuji so far this year. Starting with Kuji’s Bookshelf and moving on from there. So here’s a four image master post, short on words but long on Kujiness. Enjoy. Are you hip to the bookphone challenge? Neither was I but Kuji wanted to play, so… Still exploring Kuji’s bookshelf with…

Kinara’s Children Activity Cards
Now available from our gift shop are the Kinara’s Children Activity Cards. These 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 sized cards feature all seven Kinara’s Children characters on one side and the seven principles of the Nguzo Saba on the back. A resource for parents, teachers and students, the cards can be used to teach the…