Ujamaa coloring banner
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Kinara’s Children Coloring Book: Ujima and Ujamaa

Here’s another batch of images potentially destined for my upcoming coloring book. I haven’t forgotten about this project but have been patiently creating a workflow that would allow me to “easily” render these out of my 3D software, Blender, with crisp outlines for coloring. As I worked on it I really liked the comic book effect I was getting with the color behind the line work so that became part of the process. Not sure how I’ll use the colored versions but I’ll think of something. So many possibilities.

These images are mostly of Ujamaa, the Entrepreneur. He’s all set up in my software to pose and render with color and outlines present. Easy Peasy as far as 3D software is concerned. Once these silhouetted shapes are created I can add backgrounds as necessary in my layout program. These are not finished images yet. As an added bonus I’ve included a version of Ujima, the Builder with one of his tools of the trade. I think he’s about to “pacify” a two by four. You may want to give him some space.

Check dis shit out

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