KC Kwanzaa Coloring Book cover
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Kinara’s Children Kwanzaa Coloring Book

OK! This is a thing. The Kinara’s Children Kwanzaa Coloring Book is now available on Amazon. I’m really excited to make this available and I learned a lot about the process over these many months. I wanted it to be fun and enjoyable. I hope you all will get a kick out of it! Learn…

Kinara’s Children Activity Pack
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Kinara’s Children Activity Pack

Kinara’s Children Activity Pack. The Activity Pack combined the previous two card packs into a single set, replacing the previous Character Card and Activity Card sets. This is a pack of nine cards, one for each of the seven characters plus bio and “Score Card”. Each card includes a character’s bio, a description of the…

KC character cards

Kinara’s Children Character Cards

New for 2016, Kinara’s Children Character Cards. This is part two and complements the previously available Activity Cards. This pack contains all 7 characters plus the title card. These 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 sized cards feature full figure images on the front and their bios on the back.  They provide more information on the group and can be…

Kinara's Children Facebook Banner
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Kinara’s Children, Group Shot

This image was originally created as a Facebook banner. I modified it slightly to work as a 5 x 7 print. You can order it here or find them at the Gift Shop with other gifts for friends and family. [wp_cart_button name=”Kinara’s Children Banner” price=”9.95″ thumbnail=”http://www.kinaraschildren.com/wp-content/uploads/Kinaras-Children-banner-5×7-web-650×464.jpg” description=”5 x 7 matted print. Fits a standard 8…