Ujima, the Builder
Another entry into my series Kinara’s Children. Here we have Ujima representing the third day of Kwanzaa and the principle of Collective Work and Responsibility.
Another entry into my series Kinara’s Children. Here we have Ujima representing the third day of Kwanzaa and the principle of Collective Work and Responsibility.
Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes is a series of designs and illustrations based on the 7 principles of the Nguzo Saba, the underlying basis of the Kwanzaa holiday. Each principle is represented by a character who embodies these principles, Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Kuumba, Nia, and Imani. Aimed at a young audience, it lies somewhere between picture books and…
Continuing with Kinara’s Children. Kwanzaa day 2 is Kujichagulia.
From my upcoming series Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes.
From my upcoming series Kinara’s Children. Bringing the Nguzo Saba to life!
Imani is a fortune teller. So when she tells you something, you’d best believe. The quote is from Oprah Winfrey. At least that’s what it said on the internet… so it must be true, right? Another entry into my upcoming series. Look into the crystal ball. All will soon be revealed!
. . . In case you hadn’t noticed. This is from an upcoming series/cast of characters due to be finished up in December. I’ll be doing a lot more toon characters in the near future, hope you like that sort of thing.