Ujamaa's Food Cart Inset

Co-Operative Economics: Ujamaa’s Moveable Feast

    Food for Thought Summer’s almost over and school is about to start. Ujamaa’s made the most out of his vacation though. First thing in the morning or late at night you can find Ujamaa or his trusted associate shlepping burgers from his food cart with a side of the latest news. Actually, his food…

Nia's Chubby Banner
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Nia’s Black Panther Dreams, Part II

In which baby Nia dons her homemade Black Panther costume and sets out to protect her neighborhood and the city at large. If you’re a bad guy, school yard bully, or even a litterbug, you’d better watch out. Nia’s coming for you. This is a continuation of the Black Panther inspired images I posted earlier. I chose…

Nia's Black Panther Dreams
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Wakanda Fashion: Nia’s Black Panther Dreams

I’ve been a Black Panther fan for a very long time, dating back to the 70’s. Even though I was excited to learn of the recent, most excellent film just released I figured I wouldn’t be able to make any fan art because I’ve been totally focused on my ongoing project, Kinara’s Children.

Well never say never, because it turns out that little Nia is a fan too. So I thought I’d whip up this little costume using Blender (natch), and hook Nia up with an early Halloween outfit.

Imani's Caftan Banner
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Imani is Joy!

    Imani’s not a Black Magic Woman, she’s a Magic Black Woman. The magic’s in her smile, her walk, the way she carries herself. She’s self assured, confident, insightful, sophisticated, a healer, philosopher and sage. Stop by her botanica some time for a palm reading or healing herbs. Stick around and she’ll teach you…

Imani's Leopard Banner
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Kinara’s Fashion: Imani’s Leopard Print

My last illo featured Ujima and Imani dressed up Egyptian style. Unfortunately Imani’s lovely outfit was overshadowed by Ujima and his pharonic antics. So I designed a brand new gown just so Imani can strut her stuff. I hope you like it. Not done yet. I think there’s one more outfit in Imani’s closet waiting for the…