Imani's Caftan Banner
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Imani is Joy!

    Imani’s not a Black Magic Woman, she’s a Magic Black Woman. The magic’s in her smile, her walk, the way she carries herself. She’s self assured, confident, insightful, sophisticated, a healer, philosopher and sage. Stop by her botanica some time for a palm reading or healing herbs. Stick around and she’ll teach you…

Imani's Leopard Banner
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Kinara’s Fashion: Imani’s Leopard Print

My last illo featured Ujima and Imani dressed up Egyptian style. Unfortunately Imani’s lovely outfit was overshadowed by Ujima and his pharonic antics. So I designed a brand new gown just so Imani can strut her stuff. I hope you like it. Not done yet. I think there’s one more outfit in Imani’s closet waiting for the…

Ujima and Imani dress up
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The Prince of Egypt? He Wish!

Imani is amused: “Ujima got a bit carried away in his pharaoh’s costume. ‘Come on to the party he said. It’ll be fun.’ Now he’s trying to lord it over folks like some third rate King Tut.”

Ujima is not amused: “Just to be clear, I’m not trying to be King Tut. I’m Ramses II, the Great. He was a great builder who created more monuments than any pharaoh in history, and a personal hero of mine”

A bit of holiday fun with Ujima as Ramses II and Imani as Nefertiti.

Mini Posters Ad
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Kinara’s Children Mini Posters

  These just came in… and they’re looking sweeeeet! 8″ x 10″, full color, high quality, printed mini posters of all 7 Kinara’s Children characters. Yeah, they may look familiar but this is the first time they’ve been available at this size. Plus we now have the two characters, Ujima and Ujamaa, that I’ve been updating this year….