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Habari Kuvunja (Breaking News), 2/28/23

Holy cow! We’re already 2 months into 2023. Time for the breaking news in Kinara’s world. 

Impertinent Proverbs

I had this idea (famous last words) to do some proverbs for social media as a way to keep content flowing. It seemed easy enough; create a reusable background add various African proverbs, post. Easy peasy. But not so fast. I have to do everything extra. It’s just how I’m made. So I added a twist. I took well known proverbs that we all know and love and added a counter point, which also created a modified moral. I’ve been posting these on social the last few weeks. Check ‘em out, I hope you get a chuckle.

Impertinent Proverbs


Corrections and Recorrections

Muhindi means cornMUHINDI is the term for CORN.
An eagle-eyed and well-informed follower alerted me to the fact that Vibunzi is not the proper term for the corn symbol according to the Official Kwanzaa Website. Thanks for the heads-up! The term was replaced by Muhindi years ago but is still seen on various web pages throughout the internet.
I’ve updated my coloring book with the correct term (as well as correcting other typos I found along the way). The new and improved version is now available on Amazon. My apologies for any misinformation.

I ❤️ BHM! Now let’s celebrate Black history!

Black History Month Banner


Black History Month ‘23 may have come to an end but Black history marches on. Black history isn’t a seasonal holiday. Black history is not for a month. Black History is for a lifetime.

Moving to Etsy

Yeah, so I’m planning to open an Etsy store. I’d like to offer more types merchandise than just flat art in the form of posters and such. So I plan to take some of my favorite artworks and apply them on some different items such as puzzles, hats, and maybe a calendar. I can also provide digital goods and my cards and books all in one place. I’ll update you when it’s set up, maybe have a grand opening or somethin’. 😎

Website updates

You may have noticed some nice visual tweaks to my front page. I tried to make the project more accessible to new visitors. Hopefully they can more easily understand what Kinara’s Children is all about if they’re not longtime followers.

OK, that’s it for now. I’ll get back with you later.



Check dis shit out


    1. Cool. I have a few more in the pipeline. Thinking about putting them on a T-shirt in a shirt friendly form.

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