2020: Looking Back, Looking Forward
2020 was a doozy, not sorry to see it end. With all the challenges of politics and the pandemic, it was difficult to stay focused on the artwork. I won’t go into my own personal hurdles because we all went through them. I will say that despite some setbacks I was able to get some things done so in this post I’ll be looking back at 2020 and looking forward to what 2021 might bring.
2020 Looking Back
Coloring Book
I spent the last year breaking down my process from nearly photoreal 3D graphics to basic line art that could be printed as black and white then colored over. The process is actually somewhat complex so It’s ironic that making something look simpler is also more challenging to do. The good news is that progress on the coloring book is moving faster now that the prelim work is complete. The Kinara’s Children Kwanzaa Coloring Book will be 32 pages of fun with coloring pages for all seven characters. It will also include their vital statistics along with the basics of Kwanzaa and Nguzo Saba,

2021 Looking Forward
Instead of setting goals for next year, I think I’ll lay out a mini roadmap of things I’d like to do with the Children going forward, listed in order of interest.
- Finish the coloring book. I’d like to have it finished and available by spring.
- Clean up the website and add more usable content.
- Kinara’s Children can’t be fully understood without the stories that fill in the details of their lives. I have a bunch of story ideas that need to be done up. Look for multipanel stories of the comic strip variety as I work my way up to a fully illustrated storybook.
- It’s time to get a move on, so expect some simple animation and motion graphics as well.
Before I go, I wanted to thank all who came by this year (2020) to share the spirit of the Kwanzaa season. Don’t drift off yet though, the Nguzo Sabe is 24/7/365 and there’s much more to come.